This trout pool is a mile and a half hike into the Smokies. Gorgeous year round!
Some of our guests ask for an early morning breakfast, heading in to join a fly-fishing guide in Gatlinburg. Then they drive into Gatlinburg, then drive right back past our inn on the way to the best fly-fishing in the Smokies!
Guess they could have slept in an hour later!
Of course, Cosby Creek is stocked with trout right from our bridge to the farm. We have 1300 feet on the river and the herons shouldn't be the only ones catching the fish. And the wild trout upriver in Cosby Campground are a challenge, plus the 20 minute drive over to Big Creek makes walking up the river from the picnic area one of the best fishing spots for fly-fishing and trout hunting. One of my guests said he did the best above Mouse Creek Falls.
Bring your fly-fishing gear and practice your casts in the pond. The Townsend Troutfest is a free exposition and just a fun drive from Creekwalk if you can bear being around that many people. It is free, May 14 and 15, and supports a good cause, the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and Friends of the Smokies. Or just let me pack you a lunch or make you an early early breakfast, come on back with good stories to tell. I've heard some doozies in the kitchen! My favorite remark was from the dad of a groom who decided to have the bachelor party be a guided fishing trip into the park. Dad was exhausted at the end of the day and said, "I've been climbing over boulders the size of Voltswagons all day!" You can always rent all 7 rooms at the lodge and we will wait on you hand and foot! And grill your fish if you clean them!
Janice Haynes Creekwalk Inn Bed and Breakfast and Cabins at Whisperwood Farm, Great Smoky Mountains, Cosby by Gatlinburg, TN